Republicans won big this midterm election, but some political experts think this could work in Democrats favor in two years. That's because some of them think Hillary Clinton will take center stage in 2016 for the presidential election.
While two years might seem like a long time from now, experts are already speculating about the future. This includes an increasingly likely chance that Clinton will campaign for presidency in 2016.
Some of you said you're on board with this message, but others aren't so sure.
Clinton is already reportedly scoping out locations for campaign headquarters, thinking about key staffing decisions and embarking on an unofficial listening tour to scope out the playing field.
Some of you said it's just too early to tell.
"It's too early for me, but we're already in it. We're going to have it saturated for the next two years and I don't have an opinion about Hillary right now," said Maria Foxworthy, a Bridgeport resident.
According to one poll, a little over 80% of Democrats think she would make a good president. Forty percent of voters overall think shes fits the bill.
On the other hand, some don't think she's the right choice.
"She has an agenda that a lot of people don't resonate with, in West Virginia anyway. I think it's going to be hard for her to do well here. I really don't think she has a shot. I think she'll give it a try, but I don't think she'll win," said Jim Harris, a Clarksburg resident.
One of Clinton's biggest missions is expanding opportunities for women and children. Her core themes involve advancing middle class families and growing the economy with a focus on jobs. With her record, she's also put foreign policy front and center.
"She has more experience in politics than anyone else. She's born and bred Washington, D.C. She knows the ins and out. I'm all for her. I think she would do an excellent job," said Charlotte Monroe, a Clarksburg resident.
In other news about potential White House bids, some reports say there's word from the Bush family that former Florida governor Jeb Bush has thoughts of running.
H Χίλλαρι Κλίντον είναι η βέβαιη Νέα Πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ! Προωθείται από το Σιωνιστικό Εβραϊκό Λόμπι της Αμερικής και από το Greek Lobby των ΗΠΑ για να εκλεχθεί με το έχουν ήδη το Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα. Πολλοί Απόδημοι Ελληνοαμερικάνοι στις ΗΠΑ την έχουν πλαγιάσει και την έχουν πλησιάσει ήδη στενά! Για να υπερασπίσουν τα συμφέροντά τους και επίσης να προασπίσουν την Ελλάδα ως πατρίδα τους και με τα εθνικά της θέματα!... Είναι η Πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ, που θα εκλεχθεί το 2016 στην Ουάσινγκτον και στον Λευκό Οίκο, που θα κηρύξει τον πόλεμο ενάντια στον Πούτιν και στον Πρόεδρο της Κίνας και τους Αντι-ΝΑΤΟΪΚΟΥΣ Συμμάχους τους και στις χώρας των Brinks.